Explore National and International Liquors at our bars
Affordable prices, amazing flavours and huge variety at pioneer paradise bars

Whether you want to host your colleagues and clients or want to celebrate the victory with a bottle of champagne, our standard bar inside is all set to help you with your celebration. We are not limited to a particular flavour to add to your glass, but you will discover the zest infinitely.
The common bar area inside is all set to give your eyes peace with its incredible interior design, right from the painted ceiling to time-honoured but modern artifacts inside. An extended wine list and personable service will make your bar time unbeatable. Also, the musical Melody would be an added treat. A bar area is all welcome you to give its service pre-dinner or a nightcap.
You won’t feel packed in a room. Our bar area is located in such a way that you can also enjoy the nature around you. It will boost your drinking flavour. Our standard bar area is all set to hypnotize you with all the aspects connected to it. Also, I can’t forget to mention that our bar area is set to serve you even if you come up with your family. The environment is set up by considering all the possibilities that can arise with the guest’s need.